
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Азербайджанская кухня, блюда: Пити, Кюфта-бозбаш, Дюшбара, Довга, Собза коурма

Азербайджанская кухня, блюда: Пити, Кюфта-бозбаш, Дюшбара, Довга, Собза коурма

Азербайджанская кухня одна из самых интересных кухонь мира в целом и Востока в частности. Она в чем-то схожа с традициями кавказских и среднеазиатских народов, но имеет свои самобытные особенности. Она примечательна обилием всевозможных мясных, рыбных и овощных блюд, дополняемых ароматной зеленью и специями.

Самые искушенные гурманы, приезжающие в Азербайджан, стали ценителями национальной кухни. Изделия и блюда азербайджанской кухни оригинальны и неповторимы. Не секрет, что сугубо азербайджанские блюда, как долма, бозбаш, бозартма, чыхыртма, хашил, шашлык, пити, плов, говурма включены в национальные меню соседних кавказских народов.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Jersey Shore - Pt. Pleasant NJ, July 2011

Day trip to the beach...

Camping at Colonial Woods Family Camping Resort, Upper Black Eddy, PA

Going camping is always a very exciting event for our family.  We look forward to it most of the year, yet only go once or twice during the summer months.  It involves a lot of preparations, a lot of discussions as to where to go, and what to take with us.  This time was no different.  I was trying to find something close such as Timberland lake campground where we went last year.  Being in the "wilderness" and at the same time very close from home creates a very safe feeling about the trip.  My brother, who at the time of planning was going to join us was insisting on going a bit further into the woods of Pennsylvania.  Since last year we went camping in "our neighborhood" we decided to follow my brother's advice and booked a site at Colonial Woods Family Camping Resort.  This campground had everything we were looking for:  clean bathrooms and showers, big swimming and spray pools, mini-golf, open space and playground for kids.  He also picked a date for the trip.  Unfortunately, due to a family event - his daughter's birthday, he did not join us in this trip.  Luckily, our friends decided to join us.  They have never gone camping before, but were very interested in trying.